Download of records
from the web
Save time by retrieving existing records from the web. Catalog book data in one click.
Enter the book's ISBN with your barcode scanner or keyboard.
The program queries about twenty catalogues of online libraries and bookstores to choose from.
The found records are displayed on the screen. Compare them to identify the most relevant record.
Get the record
Select the most relevant record and get it with a mouse click.
The software checks that the downloaded values are consistent with local authority files.
Downloaded data can be modified and supplemented at will.
Downloading is not limited to bibliographic data: download the cover image and summary with the same ease.
An appreciable time saving
High quality cataloguing, as downloaded records are delivered by big libraries
Light version
Purchase: from 75 CHF / €
Rental: from 9 CHF / € per month
Standard version
Purchase: from 800 CHF / €
Rental: from 30 CHF / € per month
PRO version
Purchase: included
Rental: included