Web public search (WebOPAC)
Publish your catalogue online. Title availability is updated in real time. Readers interact with the catalogue by booking online and checking their account.
Simplified user interface makes it easy for everyone to search the catalogue
The interface is suitable for computers, tablets and smartphones
The homepage displays the titles you are promoting, such as news acquisitions, etc.
Various information about the library available: location, phone number...
The online catalogue is updated in real time
"Google-like" search combining keywords, author's name, etc.
Specialized searches: by title words, author, series, subject, combined...
Additional filters available: title type, acquisition period, language...
With a single click, readers get a list of new acquisitions
RSS feed available to subscribe to lists of new acquisitions
User accounts
Internet users can sign up to the library via an ad hoc form
Registered readers can book titles online
Readers have access to their account and view current loans with the date of return.
Readers can consult their past loans
Companies with an open-access library can let readers record their own loans (requires the loan management module)
Union catalogue
Your online catalogue can be included in a union catalogue of libraries. Thanks to our meta-search engine (available separately) in the form of a mini website, your readers can search several catalogues simultaneously and thus increase the chances of finding the titles they are looking for.
This tool is simple to set up and does not imply any change of infrastructure on your side. And because it can query libraries managed with different library systems, it does not require all libraries to adopt the same library system requiring a complex data migration. Icing on the cake: this solution is very affordable, even for the smallest libraries.
The following union catalogues are powered by our meta-search engine :
Please contact us in order to get further information about union catalogues.
Please find below some catalogues published by BiblioMaker :
Public libraries
Chardonne (VD)
Châtel-Saint-Denis (FR), hosted in the cloud
Globlivres (VD)
Troinex (GE)
Villeret (BE)
Ecole supérieure d'ambulancier et soins d'urgence romande (VD)
IMD Business School (VD), hosted in the cloud
Fondation Rilke (VS)
Light version
Purchase: from 75 CHF / €
Rental: from 9 CHF / € per month
Standard version
Purchase: from 1'200 CHF / €
Rental: from 43 CHF / € per month
PRO version
Purchase: from 1'200 CHF / €
Rental: from 43 CHF / € per month