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New Mac with an Apple Silicon chip

In the fall of 2020, Apple began its transition to Apple Silicon processors. The first processor in the Apple Silicon range, the M1 is distinguished by a "computing power / power consumption" ratio never seen before: to put it simply, an extremely fast processor while remaining very energy efficient, which makes it an ideal candidate for compact computers such as laptops.

The first Mac models released were consumer laptops: MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13'' and the Mac mini.

In April 2021, the new iMac with 24" display - also based on the Apple M1 processor - was introduced. The new device features an unmatched screen thickness, refreshing colors, improved audio and webcam system and an amazing operating speed.

More Apple Silicon-based Macs are expected in the fall, with the lineup transition likely to end in the summer of 2022.

Thanks to the Rosetta 2 technology, programs designed for Intel processors run on Apple Silicon processors, some even faster than on Intel processors. In this context, BiblioMaker 7 can be installed on new Macs without any problems. Native versions for Apple Silicon processor are planned.

If you plan to renew your computers, we recommend without hesitation that you choose a Mac with an Apple Silicon processor.


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